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How our self-talk can end up having a negative impact on our lives?

Have you noticed the kind of self-talk that takes place within? 🗣

Let's see some negative, rather harmful ways in which we end up conversing with ourselves:-


1. The Critical

This is quite a bitter inner dialogue which doesn't let you appreciate yourself or another. When things don't go the way you want, do you end up being overly critical of your efforts?

2. The Procrastinator

We've all been here, done that (and probably continue to). Giving yourself creative excuses to avoid and delay tasks that probably should be done.

3. Always Blaming

Does the inner dialogue often lead you to blame someone outside of you? Noticed when the mind tells you, "it was because of her/him that this happened" or "she/he is the reason why I'm angry"?


4. Playing Victim

Do you find yourself crying out a sob story? Often wallowing in self-pity?

Is the mental dialogue often telling you "life is always unfair to ME. Things never go right with me"?


5. The Fearful

Does being afraid come as a natural response to almost everything? There is a sense of safety in the familiar but fear in the unknown. Does your inner dialogue always exaggerate a situation and scare you before you can even face it?



At some point, we've all had these inner personalities crop up. Our self talk is influenced by the subconscious mind.


Thoughts are energy that carry its way into our lives. Even on the mat, they way we speak to ourselves, has a direct impact on the practice.


If this voice inside the head starts getting too negative, all it takes is a little awareness to shift it to a more positive and uplifting tone. After all, we've got to be our own cheerleader😃🙌

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